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What is Floating?

As you may have gathered by the name, it involves floating in a pod or room that is designed for

short term sensory deprivation. This is typically done within a large tank of super-saturated

magnesium water that makes you completely buoyant.


Float tanks are also called Isolation tanks or Sensory Deprivation Tanks. While they sound like

something out of an old-school war movie, they have recently gained popularity among elite

athletes, those who struggle with stress, and people with various health problems. On a practical

level, floating is typically done for 90 minutes or more in body-temperature salt water in a room devoid

of light and sound.





Why is Floating Beneficial?
The basic concept is that floating reduces external stimuli as much as possible to help the body achieve a natural restorative state. Some people compare the experience of floating to meditation or yoga.

Tanks specifically designed for sensory deprivation or floating were created in the 1950s but gained popularity in the 1970s when it became known as Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (or REST). Dr. John Lilly, a neuroscientist who worked for the National Institutes of Health and specialized

in cognition and brain activity helped pioneer the research during this time.
Since then, floating has been used for a variety of reasons, both anecdotal and scientifically backed.

10 inches water

1000 lbs epsom salt

90 minutes of relaxation

Why Float?

Bonus Benefit: Magnesium

Pods and tanks for Floating use an epsom salt (magnesium) solution to make the water extremely saturated. In fact, the water in a float tank has a relative density of about 1.25, making it essentially impossible not to float. Almost a thousand pounds of epsom salt is dissolved in a couple hundred gallons of water, creating an almost zero gravity environment.


This allows anyone to be able to float effortlessly in the pods, plus the usual benefits of using magnesium on the skin or soaking in a magnesium bath apply.


In particular, magnesium is known to help balance calcium levels in the body, reduce stress, balance hormones, normalize blood pressure, reduce risk of cancer and other diseases and much more.


Do I wear anything in the tank?

Since it is a private experience, most people don't wear anything. Anything you wear will press against your body, becoming a distraction. In this regard imagine it as similar to getting into your bathtub.


Do I need to bring anything with me to float?

We only suggest to bring a comb if needed.  Let us worry about the rest!  We provide towels, wash cloths, ear plugs, shampoos and soaps, as well as other necessary toiletries.  We will also have a neck pillow for you if needed. 


What do I need to do to prepare for my float?

  • Try not to drink any caffeine for at least 2 hours before floating because it may make you a bit jittery.  

  • Do not shave or wax the day of your float.  The salt water could sting or irritate your skin.

  • Remove your contacts prior to floating.  Bring your contact case or wear glasses to make it easy.

  • Eat a small meal an hour or 90 minutes before your float so you will not be bothered by a hungry stomach.

  • Come in relaxed and ready go.  Your time in the tank is more beneficial if you arrive already relaxed. 


What if I am claustrophobic?

No worries!  The float cabin interior is 8 ft tall and 4 feet wide.  And more importantly YOU are in control of the environment.  You can float with the door open and lights on if you want.  Whatever is most comfortable to you.  Not to mention the float cabin is equipped with Bluetooth wireless technology that is compatible with most auto devices such as ipods and smartphones. 


Do I have to stay in the whole time?

There is NO way for you to get locked or stuck in the cabin.  You are in full control so you can get in and out at your own leisure.


Is it dangerous to sleep in the tank?

No.  It is safe to sleep in the tank. The reason people think it may be dangerous is probably the fear of rolling over. Even those people who say they never sleep on their backs in bed, sleep on their backs in the tank. It is very difficult to roll over in the tank because of the density of the solution, and if any of the salt solution gets in your eyes, mouth or nose, it is an immediate signal that something must be done. You would wake up immediately.


What if I can’t swim?  

No worries!  All you do is lay back as if you are in bed and relax.  Let the salt do its job and you will have no problems in floating.


Can I float if I am menstruating?

Yes.  Just follow the same steps you would for a swimming pool.


Can pregnant women float?

Yes, women within their second and third trimesters and only after clearance from their physicians or midwives. Pregnant woman probably get more relief from floating than most people. The extra weight carried by the mother-to-be can be very stressful due to the forces of gravity. Floating eliminates the negative effects of gravity which can cause joint pain, inflammation, and stress on the organs as well as the unborn baby.

  • Pregnant woman have also reported a reduction of erratic movements of the baby inside the womb. This is due to a phenomenon called the “mirror effect”. The baby is safe and secure inside the womb and the mother shares a similar experience in the warm isolation tank. Woman report a stronger connection with their baby when exposed to this environment.


Can I float if I just dyed my hair?

We recommend not floating for at least 72 hours after you color your hair.  If you use hair straightening treatments like keratin, floating is not recommended, as the salt will disrupt the hair treatment. 


How do you clean the water between floaters?

The water is fully treated with a state of the art filtration system designed to use UV, Ozone, and H2O2 between every float.



Is there a cumulative effect of using the tank on a regular basis?

Yes. There seems to be a cumulative effect with consistent use of the tank. This is not documented by research it is the tank users who know it is true. Relaxation is a learned art that needs practice.


Are there situations in which I will not be permitted to use the flotation tank?

We will not allow you to float if you have any of the following conditions

  • Infectious skin or respiratory disorders

  • Open wounds

  • Incontinence

  • Epilepsy or serious mental conditions

  • A high-risk pregnancy

  • Under the influence of any drug or alcohol 

  • Under 18 without parental presence

  • If you just received a piercing or tattoo you should wait at least 72 hours before floating.

  • Pregnant women in their first trimester


We expect you to inform us of any conditions for your own safety and the safety of other floaters! We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.


Have a different question?  Send it to us and we will do our best to answer you

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Float with a Friend

(Book Two Floats in Same Time Slot)

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